- Flag Football: Pre-game season practices typically happen 3 times per week (beginning 8/9/21). Once games begin, the number of practices per week drops down to two. In the past, pre-game season practices have typically been Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 5:30-7:30 pm. Once games begin, practices have typically been on Wednesday & Friday. The exact days are subject to change and the Head Flag Coach will communicate final days/times at a later date.
- Tackle Football (Freshman, JV & Varsity): Pre-game season practices typically happen 5 times per week (beginning 8/9/21). Once games begin, the number of practices per week drops down to four. In the past, pre-game season practices have typically been Monday - Friday from 5:30-8:00 pm. Once games begin, practices have typically been on Friday. The exact days are subject to change and your child’s Head Coach will communicate final days/times at a later date.
- Cheer (All Squads): Practice will be 6 – 7:30 PM, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday. No practice 8/13/21.
Please pick your child up promptly at the end of practice. All phone numbers of head coaches and cheerleading coaches will be provided for you. Notification of changes will be posted on the website and communicated through weekly Eagles Nest announcements by directors after Friday’s practice. Only the child whom is registered can attend practice. Siblings, friends, etc. are not permitted at practice. We do not want our coaches responsible for others that are not involved with our program, and insurance doesn’t allow it.
Practice will start August 11, 2021. If your child cannot make the first practice because of vacation plans, please notify the head coach.
Practice Attendance: Any otherwise eligible player having two (2) unexcused absences from practices during a game week shall be held out for 1st half of that week’s game. Any otherwise eligible player having three (3) or more unexcused absences from practice during a game week shall not participate in that week’s game.
Excusing practice absence: Only calls to the Head Coach or Directors constitute an excused absence. Calls can be made by players or parents, and must be made at least one hour prior to practice or game arrival time. No phone call constitutes an unexcused practice; also, email or text confirmation must be made within 12 hours of call off to ensure appropriate handling.
Body Contact: Prior to body to body contact or tackling drills, each player must have at least three (3) days of physical conditioning. Helmets may be worn during time conditioning. Athletic supporters, cups and mouth pieces are recommended during conditioning, but not mandatory.