Please make sure any serious allergies which require immediate attention (for Example, bee stings, asthma, Etc.) are made known to our medical personnel. If your child is in need of or has the potential to be in need of any medications during practices, games, etc. a parent or guardian must be present to administer them. Medications cannot be administered by The Livonia Eagles.
All jewelry is prohibited-with the exception of medical medals. Medic alert emblems a can be taped to the wrist with only the medic alert insignia showing.
All Teams participating in the League will be covered under one insurance policy that will be issued to the WLJFL. Payment of the policy will be shared equally between all Teams of the League. Contact league Directors for more information.
During a practice or a game if your child has been injured:
- Parents are NOT allowed on the field, unless called by the coach or medic.
- Medics can ONLY go out on the field when called by the coaches or refs.
- Parents CANNOT sign a release for their child.
- Releases MUST come from the child’s doctor.
Upon coming to practice or games
- If your child is ill or injured, YOU THE PARENT MUST notify the Coach or Director.
- You the parent are then responsible for your child and we are asking that you stay during this time.
- Any Player/Cheerleader not practicing must remain on the sidelines with their team. They are NOT allowed on the playing field and they are not the responsibility of The Livonia Eagles
- Inhalers MUST be labeled and parent must be present to administer.
- Players may store them in league certified medical kits during the season.
- Neither coaches nor the player/cheerleader may carry them
- No Individual shall be encouraged to lose weight under any circumstances.
- No use of rubber suits or steam room are allowed
This is a division rule any board member hearing of this shall notify the President of the board.